2017 Mission Trip: Cordoba, MX
Vision for Cordoba
Dear Friends & Family of 20/20 Vision Care,
We want to take this opportunity to say a very special thank you for all your support with Vision for Cordoba 2017! Whether big or small, your contribution made a huge difference in the lives of the Hispanic and Indian children in Cordoba and surrounding villages. The trip was unbelievable, and we would like to share with you some of our favorite pictures, memories, and statistics on what 20/20 Vision did in Mexico!
Patients Seen
Drops Dispensed
Glasses Given Out
We had such an amazing week in Mexico! One of our biggest concerns was, “Would there be enough patients to keep us busy for the week?” God provided a huge number of patients that kept us very busy, and everyone on our team stepped up and filled the gaps where there was a need. We traveled to various villages and churches setting up examination stations and working through a large number of patients. But the best thing about the trip was that although we went to serve, we felt that they served us. They were so loving and so kind to us and were so thankful for us to be there. God moves!
One of our best stories was a spouse of one of the instructors at MITC. She came to get an exam when we were at the school seeing patients. She explained how she had a degenerative eye disease since she was a child and had seen her vision decrease significantly over the years. After seeing Dr. Malouf, they realized that her vision had been stable for the past 2 years. We fitted her for new glasses. She began to sob because she said 2 weeks ago her young daughter had broken her glasses and she began to pray that God would send her a solution. You see her vision had been degenerating but she also had a fairly large Rx which means she couldn’t see well without glasses. She had found out the day before that an eye doctor was on campus and seeing patients. God provides!
We were blessed to be able to see almost 500 patients in Cordoba and the surrounding villages. Our team was given the chance to see citizens, students and staff of the Mexican Indian Training Center, including the translators who helped us during the week. The most amazing gift of this trip was, even despite worries about customs, Dr. Malouf was able to bring full equipment and provide full exams, just like here in the US. We also brought glasses for the patients to choose from. To people who live so simply, it was such a joy to see them able to pick their favorite colors and styles, like kids on Christmas morning! Once we got back home, we worked diligently to order lenses and fill the prescriptions for each pair of glasses needed back in Cordoba. We hope to be able to put those spectacles in the mail by the end of this week, so they can make their journey to their new owners! Our call to Cordoba has been completed, and we are beyond appreciative of all the caring hearts who gave to our calling. YOUR DONATIONS made all of this possible!
What’s next?
Last year’s newsletter said we were not done giving the gift of sight to third world countries – and we stand by that again this year! As we ship out these glasses, Dr. Malouf and her husband will begin to pray over what God has in store for next year’s mission!
Sincerely Thanking You,
Vision for Cordoba Team
Book Your Appointment Today!
20/20 Vision Care
140 W James St,
Wills Point, TX 75169